Webinar: Unlocking Your Profound Leadership Potential

Crisis Leadership:  A Catalyst for Your Breakthrough

Right now, we find ourselves amid an overwhelming amount of change at the industry level, within our organizations, throughout our profession and in our personal lives.  

What if our most profound personal and professional breakthroughs could happen because of these obstacles and the changes?  

During this interactive learning session, we will explore the transformative potential of courageously reinventing a new normal. We will unpack an innovative four-dimensional leadership development model and help you define or refine your leadership development plan.  

Webinar Content:

Part 1: Accepting Change and Embracing Transition
• Learning the difference between change and transition
• Grieving the loss of normalcy before welcoming new possibilities
• Crisis as catalyst for meaningful change: define the specific changes you want to see

Part 2: Charting a Course to Your Profound Leadership Breakthrough in 2023
• Summit: specific changes you want to see and clarity the destination for you and others
• Strategies: blueprints, roadmaps, tools, tactics, and approaches to ensure your team gets to the new summit
• Skills: technical and leadership competencies necessary for success
• Stories: redefining our relationship with our inner critic to transform our limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs

Part 3: Your Development Plan for 2023
• Development pathways: On the job, peer networks, training, mentors, coaching
• Giving you the gift of focused time to document your 2023 development plan


Podcast pre-work, which highlights the importance of leadership preparedness: click here

Participants Leave Session With:

  • Knowing distinction between change and transition, and why this matters when leading organizational change
  • Overview of 4S Leadership Model to provide a structure for future growth and development of leadership competencies and improved confidence
  • Tangible individual takeaways:
    • List of changes you want to see in your company/profession/industry and the catalysts you will use to initiate the change,
    • Itemized list of potentially “limiting beliefs” that may get in your way,
    • Rapid start to your 2023 professional development plan

About the Speaker:
Joe Walsh sq-1Joe Walsh
Founder, Supply Chain Sherpas

Joe Walsh is the founder of Supply Chain Sherpas where solutions include executive coaching, leadership development programs, strategy consulting, and performance improvement services. Sherpas mission is unlock the potential of our bottlenecked supply chain to increase impact for suppliers and providers. As a values-driven executive, Joe brings a unique 20-year track record of leading both supply chain transformations and sales transformations across three industries.


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