Empowering Women
to Lead and Succeed

PWH® is built upon a strong history of women leaders in the healthcare supply chain industry who continue to create a platform for progressive leadership and mentoring
for the next generation.

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PWH Mentor Circles

PWH Mentor Circles is a group mentoring program that enables professionals at all levels to come together to discuss and share knowledge on a topic. PWH Mentor Circles are made up of one Circle Leader and 10-15 Circle Members. The Circle Leader ensures the participation of all those members who would like to contribute to each conversation. PWH Mentor Circles meet two times a month over three months to discuss the chosen topic and may evolve into a longer conversation over time. Please read below to learn more about our two Mentor Circle topics.

*All spring mentor circles are full. If you would like to be added to a waitlist, please contact Michelle Rydberg and let her know which circle you are interested in.

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Quiet Connections: Navigating Networking for Introverts

Effective networking plays a pivotal role in professional advancement. However, individuals who identify as introverts may find forging connections challenging. This Mentor Circle provides a supportive space for introverts seeking to expand their professional network to learn how they too can meet the people they need to know to help reach their goals.

Circle Leader: Jessica Carney

Fridays 1:00 PM ET
Mar 8, 22; Apr 5, 19; May 3

Circle Leader: Amanda Coleman

Wednesday 12:00 PM ET
Mar 13, 27; Apr 10, 24; May 1

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Right Out the Gate: Overcoming the Hurdles of First-Time Leadership

Leaders are made not born. This Mentor Circle brings together leaders at all levels of their careers to discuss how to cultivate leadership skills in new leaders. Members will discuss common challenges and how to handle them during the early stages of leadership.

Circle Leader: Annette Eckman

Mondays 1:00 PM ET
Mar 4, 18; Apr 1, 15; May 6

Circle Leader: Allison Hughes

Fridays 12:00 PM ET
Mar 22; Apr 5, 19; May 3, 17

Upcoming Webinars

To inquire about networking activities, make a program suggestion, or volunteer to help with events, please contact info@mypwh.org
Oct 3, 2024 | 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET

Member Touchpoint October 2024

Whether you are a new member or just want to get re-engaged, join us for the Member Touchpoint. You will learn about th...
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August 15, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM ET

Coffee Chat: August 2024

Grab a cup of coffee or whatever wake up drink you prefer, and let's chat virtually. This is meant to be an interactive...
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August 1, 2024 | 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET

Member Touchpoint August 2024

Whether you are a new member or just want to get re-engaged, join us for the Member Touchpoint. You will learn about th...
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