PWH® Member Spotlight
Women's History Month
The PWH Cultural Inclusion & Diversity Committee has asked for specific insights from our committee chairs and leaders to celebrate our members and share our experiences during Women's History month. Hear directly from our members' experiences:

Jennifer O'Reilly
Vice President - OPM Corporate Accounts, B. Braun Medical
There are 3 lessons I wish I had learned sooner and if I were offering advice to anyone it would be to share these 3 insights.
First, be your whole self at work. My younger self believed that to be successful, I could only show the professional version of myself. It wasn't until much further in my career that I let my guard down and showed vulnerability and more of the personal me. Once I did that, things really took off career-wise.
Second, don't focus on what you can't do, or the qualifications you don't have when considering your next step. EVERY candidate can find reasons they aren't qualified if they look. Instead, identify what unique skills and qualifications you CAN bring to the table, leverage them and share your vision. Sometimes we are our own biggest roadblocks.
Finally, find your people. Surround yourself with women you admire, who push you to be better and who support you when you need it. I couldn't live without my people, and we make each other better.