Empowering Women
to Lead and Succeed

PWH® is built upon a strong history of women leaders in the healthcare supply chain industry who continue to create a platform for progressive leadership and mentoring
for the next generation.

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Professional Development

PWH® is committed to providing continuing education programs for both women and men in our pursuit of creating leaders.

We offer a variety of opportunities including virtual, instructor-led courses and monthly webinars.



Our online programs give participants the flexibility to develop key professional skills from subject matter experts in a collaborative virtual environment. These events are customized for our unique audience, including breakout sessions and reference materials.


The NeXt Factor - Elevate Your Personal Brand and Professional Presence

Set yourself apart with a strong, authentic leadership brand!

1. The NeXt Factor: Develop strategies to effectively communicate your leadership potential to others. Learn to leverage your strengths and skills to establish yourself as a leader.

2. A Lasting Impression: Understand your Interaction Style® to navigate differences and collaborate effectively. Learn to project confidence, credibility and authority in various professional settings. 

3. Define YOU: Discover your unique strengths, values and leadership qualities. Apply strategies to foster a culture of trust and transparency. Enhance your skills to effectively convey your message and influence others. 

Dates: This course is a two-part session, held on November 1 & 8

Price: Members $349, Non-Members $399

Registration Deadline: October 18

View Course Details

Upcoming Webinars

To inquire about networking activities, make a program suggestion, or volunteer to help with events, please contact info@mypwh.org or if you are interested in becoming a speaker for an upcoming PWH event, complete this submission form
Oct 3, 2024 | 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET

Member Touchpoint October 2024

Whether you are a new member or just want to get re-engaged, join us for the Member Touchpoint. You will learn about th...
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