Staying Motivated and Productive

| Valeria Stoyanova

What a great time we had during our Staying Motivated and Productive While Working Remotely Coffee Chat!


Several of our members were able to join our interactive discussion and learn from one-another, what are the common challenges we face during social distancing and finding ways to keep engaged and driven to perform to the same standard as before.

Here are some of the tid-bits we thought you may find helpful, also:

  • Many have gained the opportunity to designate time to focus and work independently on projects.
  • Staying connected with teammates is a welcome distraction from moments of focus pause.
  • Learning curve in finding ways to avoid/eliminate distractions at home and balancing them (tending to children while juggling back-to-back conference calls, taking a break or scheduling work calls/meeting in intervals).
  • Setting boundaries for yourself and others is critical:
    • Discourage friends and family to contact you during work hours.
    • Set a work schedule for yourself.
    • Schedule a lunch break daily AND take it – get over the guilt factor!
    • Trust yourself and others that work will get done even if it is outside of the 8-5 schedule; so allow the flexibility – notion of creating your own freedoms and responsibilities.
  • Prioritize staying active:
    • Multi-task taking a walk while on a conference call – getting some fresh air and clarity is a bonus.
    • Make it a joint walking session with your teams.
  • Keeping organized by establishing daily, weekly and monthly goals – keep it short – 3-5 goals max.
  • In addition to making a to-do list, be sure to write down your accomplishments, too.
  • Create a vision board to keep motivated and inspired.
  • Environment matters:
    • Figure out what work space works best for you – do you prefer having a designated work area to keep you focused and in work-mode or do you function better in a fluid space, moving from one area of your home to another to make your day diverse?
  • FOMO – Fear of Missing Out is real for many – being deprived of social interactions make us missing the office gatherings, potlucks, teambuilding activities, etc.
  • Many of us realized the diminishing need for on-site/office presence on a full-time basis.

Let us know your thoughts and experiences on our Facebook page;

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