
4 Helpful Tips for Overcoming Anxiety Attacks

Written by Sheila Olson | 5/30/23 4:56 PM

Are you struggling with frequent anxiety attacks? You do not have to continue living like this. If career anxiety has been plaguing you, this might be the right time to pursue new opportunities and connect with other people in your field through Professional Women in Healthcare. Here’s how to cope with anxiety at work, cut down on your screen time, find a supportive therapist, and more.

Consider Changing Careers

Do you feel your anxiety and stress levels rising when you’re at work? If you rarely have anxiety attacks when you’re off the clock, but your symptoms come on strong when you’re at the office, it could be time to consider a new career path. By pursuing another degree through an online program, you can balance studying with work. If you’d like to enroll in online courses, you can earn a bachelor’s degree in nursing, healthcare management, or business.

Reduce Your Screen Time

Spending too much time scrolling online, watching TV, or using screens in another way can worsen your anxiety. You might get frustrated over content you see online or start comparing yourself to the people you follow on social media. If you’ve noticed a connection between the frequency of your anxiety attacks and the amount of time you spend online, it’s time to put down your devices.

Romper states that spending lots of time online can make you feel disconnected and isolated, which can exacerbate your anxiety. Furthermore, looking at edited photos and videos for hours on end can leave you comparing yourself to a truly impossible standard. You may want to turn off your notifications for social media apps, leave your phone in a drawer for a few hours each day, or start bringing a book with you when you leave the house so that you’re not tempted to scroll when you have downtime.

Practice Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation are both fantastic practices for your physical and mental health. Maybe you’ve never tried either before, and you’re wondering how to get started. If you don’t have time to get to a yoga studio, you can try some sequences and poses at home. To calm your anxiety, Yoga Journal recommends poses like sun salutations, child’s pose, garland pose, standing forward bend, bridge pose, spinal twists, and tree pose.

Meditation can also drastically reduce your anxiety symptoms. It’s certainly not a guaranteed cure, but chances are, you’ll notice a difference in your stress levels if you meditate on a daily basis. PsychCentral states that people who keep up with a meditation routine experience changes in the brain regions that govern your stress and anxiety responses. If you struggle to stay focused on your breath during meditation, try listening to guided anxiety meditations to maintain your attention.

Work With a Therapist

You do not have to try to treat your anxiety attacks on your own. Try seeking out a therapist who specializes in working with clients who have anxiety. They can teach you helpful skills so that you’ll recognize the signs of an anxiety attack early on and alleviate your symptoms in the long run.

Anxiety can drastically reduce your quality of life. But you can get your symptoms under control and start living without the threat of anxiety attacks. With these tips, you can find a job at a better workplace, pick up habits like yoga and meditation, and connect with a therapist who can help you manage your symptoms.