
Course: The Productivity Key - Maximizing your Time, Talent and Technology

Written by Professional Women in Healthcare | 05/16/2022
Productivity expert and executive coach Jan Lehman guides us in developing skills and awareness that will promote efficiency in our day. In this 4-hour course, you’ll learn about tools and healthy behaviors to get you focused on the right priorities and operating in a more effective way.
Registration Deadline: July 12, 2022
Course highlights
• Manage your never-ending to-do list
• Lead more effective meetings
• Leverage technology to be more efficient
• Develop personal and team planning strategies

Identify and resolve time-wasters that steal your day!

Distractions and time-wasters:
• Where they come from and how to avoid them
• How to stay focused when working from home
• Why is it hard to ignore the ping of email and message alerts?

Time management strategies:
• How to block time for deep thinking and your most important work
• How to deal with procrastination – Leverage high energy time or Pomodoro Method
• ABC priorities – Being clear on what work you must do (A’s) should do (B’s) versus work you would love to do
• Task management strategies and tools to consider

Breakout session – Discuss effective communication guidelines to adopt

Personal Planning:
• Blocking time to get organized and plan out your work for the next day
• Look ahead 2-weeks
• Blocking your calendar when working remotely to identify your work hours

Project Management concepts – Improve planning for your work and the work of others:
• Mind Map – Often used by creative minds to lay out a workplan
• Scope management – For clarifying what is to be delivered, stopping perfectionism and analysis
• PERT Chart – Understanding interdependencies and leveraging realist time estimates
• Critical Path – Determine what you should work on next even if the deadline is far in the future

Running Effective Meetings – Strategies you can use now or in the future for leading effective meetings:
• Meeting Objectives
• Agenda/Minutes/Parking Lot
• Identify the role each person plays
• Not everyone makes a great facilitator
• Consider technology to keep things organized and people accountable

Breakout – How can you modify existing reoccurring meetings for greater impact and efficiency?


About the Speaker:

Jan Lehman
Executive Coach | Productivity Expert | International Speaker
Time Management Expert | Microsoft 365 Solution Provider

Jan is an executive coach, consultant, international speaker, and founder and CEO of CTC Productivity. She understands the unique challenges of leading a busy professional life because she does it too. Running a company with three kids has made her fully understand the importance of work-life balance and the need to be productive.

Jan’s experience working for a number of Fortune 100 companies and her natural inclination for building productive, happy, efficient teams led her team to excel. While working to optimize her teams, she realized how critical it is to create effective teams to drive productivity. She saw happier and more engaged teams as a direct result of how productive and effective they were.

If there’s an easier way to do something, Jan will find it. Her passion for productivity and drive to improve her teams led her to found CTC Productivity.

She is currently a national board member for NAPO (National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals), and was named a Women Who Lead Honoree by Minnesota Business Magazine.


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